Thursday, August 21, 2008

Ho Hum

I am so close to waving a white flag when it comes to my exchange application. I want to go so badly and I've focused so blindly on the application process that one little misstep makes me want to tear my hair out. I've settled on a university (Clarkson University in College Town, USA) because I figured that would be an awesomely authentic experience and a major contrast to living in a city that seems more congested each day.

Who knows, I told myself, maybe I'll realise I'm some sort of outdoorwoman and learn how to kayak, ski and generally appreciate the great outdoors (my current version of the great outdoors is any decent Melbourne cafe with an outdoor seating area). I can appreciate nature. I promise. I mean, I loved the lemon tree when I was growing up...

My only problem now is the fact that I cannot, for the life of me, navigate the damn website. I cannot hand in a half-completed application without tentative subjects picked out. I swear, I have clicked on just about EVERY single link on the website. I even watched all the videos and visited related sporting websites to no avail. WHERE, OH, WHERE are the subjects?! It's like an itch that you just can't scratch but try so deperately hard to relieve.

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