Friday, August 8, 2008

Back to the Daily Grind

I've been back at uni for about 4 weeks now and everything feels so crazy! I'm still getting over the fact that my mid-year holidays went by in the blink of any eye and now it's week 4! My mid-semester break isn't until week 11!!! GRR!!! AND there's no public holidays between now and November. DOUBLE GRR!!!

Last week was absolutely insane. I was running back and forth between campuses on Tuesday and Wednesday, trying to get all the necessary signatures for my exchange program application. From the moment I set foot on the main campus, I was on auto pilot and walking around in a triangles (From the arts building, to the main library to the campus centre and it was just back and forth, back and forth) for two hours. I finally realised I needed to pee BADLY when I was at the exchange office, standing in line and subconciously performing the pee dance. What a joy. Needless to say, I got everything in on time and it is such a relief!
(Hopefully) Boston, here I come!

Uni has opened new schools at the Malaysia campus and its being actively promoted for those wanting to do an inter-campus exchange. I've realised I won't be too disappointed if I don't get into the uni in Boston because the uni is offering students free flights AND accomodation if they choose to go to Malaysia. That is over $5 000 worth of free stuff along with the usual $3 500 study grant given for intercampus exchange. The trip pays for itself. It would be freakin' amazing if I could go to Malaysia FOR FREE. All my savings would end up going into travelling expenses coz I'm damn sure I'd be spending every other weekend in the Philippines visiting all my family.

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