Sunday, July 20, 2008

See ya!

You are my saviour. I was wondering around utterly and completely lost last year and then I met you. Uni was always so hard for me because I just didn't want to interact with people but eventually convinced myself that I must, so I spoke to you after class one day and I am glad that I did.

I am so thankful for everything you have done for me. I am so thankful for all the doors you have opened for me. I am so thankful for the friendship you extended to me. I thank my lucky stars that you consider me a good friend, because I have nothing but absolute respect and admiration for you.

You're spending the next year and a half abroad and I know you will have positive impact on the many people you will meet and even though I hate that you will be gone for a long time, I know this is what you must do. I wish you all the best.

Friday, July 18, 2008

A list

I'm a really big fan of lists. They're awesome and in the interest of clarity, they keep things simple. Therefore this entry will be a list of things that I have done/things that have occurred in the past month.

  • One of my closest friends came back from abroad and is going back abroad on Monday for a year and a half.
  • I have spent just about every waking moment with aforementioned friend.
  • I become a paid research assistant for a pHD student at uni.
  • I attended 4 birthdays, a housewarming, a potluck dinner and a bizarre 4th of July celebration.
  • I have eaten a lot of chocolate.
  • I have bought two new pairs of shoes.
  • A couple of friends gave me a 21st birthday present 9 months after the fact.
  • I was a special guest on my friend's radio show.
  • I did a spot of volunteer work.
  • I got the flu.
  • I housesat.
  • I reduced my carbon footprint.